Friday, June 12, 2015

Christmas Eve in the High Desert

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"Last Sun-break over the Rabbit Hills before the Approaching Storm "
(Warner Valley, Oregon High Desert)
Oil Sketch on Centurian Oil Primed Linen Panel
with an additional coat of Rublev Lead Primer
4" x 6"

We now continue with the journal entry for Christmas Eve, carrying on from the last entry upon returning from my supplies run to Lakeview (here).  Cloud began to come in from the southwest late in the day, but the stars did come out, and the crescent Moon, and while eating supper I watched it set, disappearing behind the Coyote Hills at 18:43.  Throughout the night the bands of cloud thickened and the wind arose, and by Christmas Eve morning there was only the odd wan sucker hole allowing a bit of sun to shine through here and there, and what appeared to be the occasional shower passing in the far distance; but it didn’t feel like rain just yet … when would it arrive.  And then during breakfast a few larger sun-breaks appeared and so a few hundred yards from the CCC Hut Campground I made a quick pencil sketch of view seen in the above Oil Sketch, and then returned to more level ground to paint the Oil Sketch from the driver’s seat; the view of the Rabbit Hills remained the same for reference, but the foreground was referenced from the pencil sketch.  It was a good thing I had done the drawing, since within the hour the rain swept in obscuring the distance at times; the lighting depicted was as it had been just after breakfast.  The rain became snow by 15:00 … a dusting, really, with more on the upper slopes of Hart Mountain, behind me … and although the wind slackened off during the day, there were some gusty periods, as the temperature dropped from the relative warmth of the morning.  The waxing crescent Moon broke through while drinking my after supper coffee, and I watched it until it set at 19:54; Christmas Eve in the High Desert … and tomorrow Christmas Day … maybe more snow!

Imprimatura: Venetian Red.

The Pigments used were:  Rublev Blue Ridge Yellow Ochre, Italian Burnt Sienna, with Winsor & Newton Cobalt Blue & Cremnitz White.

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